One-stop portal offers ADA links Note to readers: links to news articles may not work after a few weeks, as news media remove current stories to their archives. The link may take you to the archives section, where, for a fee, you can view the article. Mar. 30, 2004 -- A new website , the ADA Collection, offers visitors over 3,000 documents pertaining to the Americans with Disabilites Act. This new one-stop, one-shop ADA source is online at http://www.adaportal.org/ Billed as an "ADA Portal, the site is organized into the following categories: -- "general", offering an overview and FAQs on the law; -- employment, including a Technical Assistance Manual and links to EEOC information on employee rights and employer responsibilities; -- information on state and local government requirements, including a technical assistance manual -- information on requirements for private businesses, with over 300 documents and links, including a technical assistance manual; --facility access requirements, including links to the ADA Access Guidelines and a PDF checklist for barrier removal; -- a technical assistance manual on the ADA's transportation requirements, and -- FAQs about communications access requirements and auxiliary aids. In addition, the site links to over a thousand "interpretation letters" from the U.S. Dept. of Justice and nearly 800 documents on enforcement, including court settlements, letters of finding from DOJ, Supreme Court and lower court decisions and a discussion of the Supreme Court's interpretations of the ADA. "We will continue to add new materials to the collection," says the group Meeting the Challenge, which developed the website. "Our goal is to continue to add new data to the collection." The ADA Document Portal was developed by Meeting the Challenge, Inc. under grant number H133G000221 from the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). The group, which calls itself a "knowledge engineering and knowledge management consulting firm" is the NIDRR-funded Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Technical Assistance Center for the Rocky Mountain region, serving Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming.