The Center for An Accessible Society Disability Issues Information









Fact sheet from EEOC tells disabled job applicants their rights

Oct. 14, 2003 -- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has a new fact sheet to educate job applicants on how Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects their rights throughout the hiring process. "This tool is EEOC's most recent strategy in a series of efforts, under President Bush's New Freedom Initiative, to advance the employment of individuals with disabilities," says the EEOC in its news release. The fact sheet Job Applicants and the Americans with Disabilities Act is online at

The fact sheet explains the employer's requirement of "reasonable accommodation" for applicants with disabilities who need assistance during the hiring process. "Accommodations may include providing or modifying equipment, providing written materials in an accessible format (for example, Braille), providing sign language interpreters, and ensuring that interviews are held in accessible locations. Applicants who require reasonable accommodations from prospective employers must request them and be prepared to explain why accommodation is needed," says the news release.

Before making a job offer, an employer cannot require a medical examination or ask questions that are likely to reveal that an applicant has a disability, the fact sheet explains. It reviews the types of questions that are prohibited during interviews and on applications, and discusses what questions an employer may ask of applicants with obvious disabilities, such as deafness or loss of a limb.

Read the EEOC's press release





Read the EEOC's Primer for Small Business on complying with the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act




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