Administration Programs and Policy
Medicare's 'homebound rule'
Texas gets Medicaid waiver for 4,000 people
GAO: Nursing home reimbusement steady despite other state cuts
P&A deinstitutionalization suits 'appropriate,' says GAO
HHS awards $40 million for programs to keep disabled in community (10/7/03)
National Council on Disability releases 2002 Progress Report
Medicaid waivers need oversight, says GAO (7/7/03)
HUD housing vouchers
Administration "New Freedom Initiative"
Olmstead Executive Order
New Freedom Initiative
1/8/2002 E-letter: Bush Administration releases Olmstead plan
11/13/2001 E-letter: HUD failing on disability nondiscrimination, says new report
6/26/2001 E-letter: President's Executive Order heartens advocates
5/22/2001 E-letter: Groups fight anti-ADA judge Sutton nomination to federal bench
Americans with Disabilities Act
Supreme Court: Cruise lines must obey Disabilities Act
Supreme Court: States must obey Disabilities Act
ADA covers Web, says NCD
Disabled Losing Nearly All Employment Discrimination Cases, says ABA
Advocates work to counter attacks on ADA at
10th Anniversary Commentary
Personal stories
The meaning of "disability" under ADA
"A misunderstood law"
The ADA Notification Act
Paratransit ruling from Philadelphia
10/9/2001 E-letter: ADA -- "good language, bad enforcement" says lecturer
7/24/2001 E-letter: Celebrating ADA's 11 years -- with lawsuit settlements
CA drops Title 2 ADA Sup. Ct. case
Sidewalks are covered by disabilities act, says White House atty
Supreme Court to Hear Disabilities Act Title 2 Case from Tennessee
Activists to crawl up Supreme Court Steps during oral arguments in Tenn. v. Lane
ADA Supreme Court decisions:
The 2005 Norwegian Cruise Line decision
The 2004 Lane decision
The 2002 Toyota decision
The 1999 Olmstead decision
The 1999 Sutton decision
The 1999 Cleveland decision
The 2001 Garrett decision
The 2001 PGA Tour v. Martin decision
The 2002 US Airways v. Barnett decision
The 2002 Chevron v. Echazabal decision
1/15/2002 E-letter: Supreme Court Williams ruling misguided, say advocates
11/6/2001 E-letter: Supreme Court takes up definition of disability again
4/10/2001 E-letter: Disabled students to protest Garrett decision in April 17 action
2/27/2001 E-letter: Supreme Court attacks ADA Title I, but turns back challenge to Title II
1/16/2001 E-letter: Casey Martin case in court tomorrow will fuel media debate
11/14/2000 E-letter: Momentous Supreme Court decision remains off media radar screen
10/10/2000 E-letter: Supreme Court hears arguments on ADA constitutionality
Coverage and reporting on disability
News coverage of disability issues: report
Oscar nominees stir protest from disability rights advocates
Prize-winning news coverage confuses disability with tragedy
Guidelines on reporting and language
Center's Study on News Coverage
7/17/2001 E-letter: 'Homebound rule' coverage the work of disability columnists in nation's newspapers
7/10/2001 E-letter: Inspiring 'overcomer' stories are newsroom cliches
6/5/2001 E-letter: Casey Martin victory coverage is mixed
12/19/2000 E-letter: Looking back at year's media coverage of disability issues
12/12/2000 E-letter: News coverage causes both problem and solution
11/28/2000 E-letter: De-institutionalization: do reporters know it's a trend?
11/21/2000 E-letter: Getting it right -- and not getting it at all
1/23/2001 E-letter: Wendland case coverage 'one-sided,' charges attorney
Demographics and Identity
Report: Older Americans want independence, control
Disability and the 2000 Census:
What reporters need to know
7/23/2002 E-letter: The 2000 Census and People with Disabilities
7/09/2002 E-letter: A slice of (polio) history now online
One in 5 working-age people reports a disability
Definitions of Disability
The 'New Paradigm' of Disability
Research on definitions
Statistics on disability
11/27/2001 E-letter: Disability history awareness grows
5/29/2001 E-letter: The social model of disablement gives us a new international tool
3/20/2001 E-letter: New figures from Census Bureau can reshape image of disability
Economics and Employment
Screen Actors Guild Study
Self-Employment VR Policies Study
ADA fact sheet for employees
EEOC's ADA fact sheet for employees
Companies firing disabled workers in record numbers
Study: Employers know little about tax credits
GAO Study: tax credits have had limited effect
Study: Employers reluctant to hire workers with disabilities
Unemployment rate for people with disabilities more than 40 percent, Census data shows
The labor market and people with disabilities
The case against sheltered workshops
Block grant should strengthen families with disabilities economically, says NCD
9/4/2001 E-letter: The unmoving labor rate
4/24/2001 E-letter: Companies violate law in paying sub-standard wage, says GAO report
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Students with disabilities' outcomes need study, says NCD 9/15/03 report
8/27/2002 E-letter: New Ed Roberts Postdoctoral Fellowships launched
7/16/2002 E-letter: Roles for Youth with Disabilities
12/11/2001 E-letter: Segregation still the norm for children with disabilities
9/25/2001 E-letter: Online access for students brings need for training
8/14/2001 E-letter: Effort to defeat "discipline amendments"
4/3/2001 E-letter: School discipline and the IDEA: unfair to nondisabled students?
12/5/2000 E-letter: Public education for disabled children: a quarter-century of progress
Center to study disability community views on Human Genome Project
Poverty increases risk of disability, says study
2/19/2002 E-letter: U. S. healthcare fails people with mental retardation, says report
12/18/2001 E-letter: "Visitability" updates
12/4/2001 E-letter: "Visitability" becoming more visible nationwide
8/7/2001 E-letter: How will people moving from institutions find housing?
Independent Living
Report looks at effects of health promotion marketing in rural areas
Disaster preparedness
'Free our people' march on Congress to pass MiCASSA
1/29/2002 E-letter: MiCASSA introduced in Congress again
Personal Assistance Services
Independent living for a million adults jeopardized by a shortfall of a few hours of help, says study
Nursing home data can help with providing community alternatives, says attorney
Louisiana finally implements Olmstead decision
The 'Money Follows The Person' Act
Consumer direction
Abuse of seniors under-reported, says study
Study Validates Consumer Control's Superiority
The Institutional Bias
Safety of In-Home Services
GAO: Nursing home reimbusement steady despite other state cuts
Implementing the Supreme Court Olmstead decision
2/12/2002 E-letter: Olmstead complaints give picture of what's happening
5/15/2001 E-letter: Activists in DC to press Administration on in-home support
Public Perception
7/2/2002 E-letter: Justin Dart Passing Receives Media Coverage, Tributes
Clint Eastwood and the ADA 1/9/2001 E-letter: FDR's wheelchair takes place at Memorial
FDR Memorial: Whose perspective?
Marla Runyan and the Olympics
The Talking ATM Machine
The Electronic Curb Cut
Travel and Transportation
9/11/2001 E-letter: Airline discrimination fined by DOT
8/21/2001 E-letter: Bus service still leaves much to be desired
Universal Design
Universal design pioneer Elaine Ostroff honored with Sir Misha Black Award
Asian nations to develop universal design standards
7/30/2002 E-letter: New book describes designers with disabilities
10/16/2001 E-letter: International universal design conference starts Thursday
5/8/2001 E-letter: Talking signs technology liberates blind travelers
12/18/2001 E-letter: "Visitability" updates
Nation's first "visitability" law withstands court challenge
12/4/2001 E-letter: "Visitability" becoming more visible nationwide
Voting Access
Disability groups sue CA officials over vote access
Inaccessible Polling Sites
Funds from HAVA for Voting Access
Voting studies
Disabled Less Likely to Vote
Disabled Voters Liberal
Nat'l Voter Reg. Act Not Being Used
1/30/2001 E-letter: Access to be part of vote reforms
Web and Internet Access
Government websites still have access problems, says 2003 report
National disability groups file brief in support of web access
ADA covers Web, says NCD
The Web Access Initiative
Section 508
Study: Disabled least likely to use Internet
The Digital Divide
2/5/2002 E-letter: Update and clarification on Internet usage by people with disabilities
1/22/2002 E-letter: People with disabilities still lag on Internet usage
10/30/2001 E-letter: Even "accessible" websites remain difficult for people with disabilities, says study
8/28/2001 E-letter: The next brainiacs <
6/19/2001 E-letter: Access to information to bloom as rules take effect
1/2/2001 E-letter: Website access requirement announcement draws little fire -- or notice