President Bush issues Executive Order on Olmstead decision
June 19, 2001 --President George W. Bush yesterday signed an executive order to intended to help states comply with the terms
of the June, 1999 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Olmstead v. L.C.
Under the order, the U.S. secretary of education is directed to work
cooperatively with the attorney general; the secretaries of health and
human services, labor, and housing and urban development; and the
commissioner of the Social Security Administration in providing assistance
to states and communities in expanding community-based alternatives for
persons with disabilities.
Under the terms of the Order, the Education Department will
review its policies, programs, statues and regulations to determine whether
any need to be revised or modified to help with the development of
community-based alternatives to support people with disabilities.
The White House announced the following initiatives to help comply with the Order:
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