Students with disabilities' outcomes need study, says report
Sept. 16, 2003 --
"Students with disabilities, who now are estimated to represent nearly 10 percent of all college students, currently experience outcomes far inferior to those of their non-disabled peers, despite the fact that research shows that they are more likely to obtain positive professional employment outcomes after degree completion than their peers," says the National Council on Disability in a report issued yesterday.
The group, which said it released its paper in anticipation of the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, is, among other things, calling for research to:
NCD also wants disability statistics included "in the data collected by the Student Aid Recipient Survey conducted by the Commissioner of Education Statistics, so that analysis of student expenses and ability to repay loans can include this information." The reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, says NCD, "must contain a mandate to conduct a national study that will yield a clearinghouse for the collection, classification, and ongoing dissemination of data regarding the status of people with disabilities in postsecondary education and subsequent professional employment."
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