Accessible Voting Machines
Most voting systems are inaccessible for people with disabilities, says the National Organization on Disability's voting access project. People with disabilities cannot cast a secret ballot with most of these systems.
According to NOD,
The Trace Center, a Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, has worked with manufacturers of voting machines to develop accessible voting systems.
Read more on the Trace Center's voting technology
Kay Schriner and Douglas Kruse have conducted a number of studies about voting access and persons with disabilities.
Douglas Kruse, School of Management and Labor Relations
"Voters with disabilities face discrimination nationwide,"
A report in the November/December 2000 issue of Ragged Edge magazine
The Trace Research & Development Center's efforts to make electronic voting machines easier to use for the average citizen, our aging population and people with disabilities can be found at http://trace.wisc.edu/world/kiosks/ez/voting/
The National Organization on Disability's "Getting Out The Disability Vote" campaign has background and commentary http://www.nod.org/vote2000/vote2000.html
Overview Election reform legislation and access Voting in America -- commentary Polling sites remain inaccessible